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I have managed to create a playground book for the previous version of Swift Playgrounds but now they support UserModules and I want that in my Xcode created content that I download to my iPad. They instruct you to down load a template and open it in Xcode. I have done that. From there things get quickly untenable. All the documentation seems incomplete. Manga studio ex 5 0 5 mac keygen. The template does not include any sort of UserModules code and when I hack it together using the documentation they have and upload it my iPad complains it does not have the


Key. I include that and by trial and error figure out it is an array of strings with the names of my UserModules. Have not been able to figure out how to make a usable Usermodule.playgroundmodule yet. I do search on Google and Apple for UserAutoImportedAuxiliaryModules key and find zero results. Does any body know where I can find some usable documentation or an example of a playground book that supports UserModules that I can download and examine on my Mac. You can't see anything (like what is in the Manifest.plist files) on the iPad so it is difficult to figure out what I am doing wrong.

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iOS® Developer Notes for Professionals book

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  1. Getting started with iOS Development
  2. UILabel
  3. UILabel text underlining
  4. attributedText in UILabel
  5. UIButton
  6. UIDatePicker
  7. UILocalNotification
  8. UIImage
  9. Convert NSAttributedString to UIImage
  10. UIImagePickerController
  11. UIImageView
  12. Resizing UIImage
  13. Cut a UIImage into a circle
  14. UITableView
  15. UITableViewController
  16. UIRefreshControl TableView
  17. UITableViewCell
  18. Custom methods of selection of UITableViewCells
  19. Custom methods of selection of UITableViewCells
  20. UIView
  21. Snapshot of UIView
  22. UIAlertController
  23. UIColor
  24. UITextView
  25. UITextField Delegate
  26. UINavigationController
  27. UIGestureRecognizer
  28. UIBarButtonItem
  29. UIScrollView
  30. UIStackView
  31. Dynamically updating a UIStackView
  32. UIScrollView with StackView child
  33. UIScrollView AutoLayout
  34. UITextField
  35. Custom UITextField
  36. UIViewController
  37. UISwitch
  38. UICollectionView
  39. UISearchController
  40. UITabBarController
  41. UIWebView
  42. UIActivityViewController
  43. UIControl - Event Handling with Blocks
  44. UISplitViewController
  45. UISlider
  46. UIStoryboard
  47. UIPageViewController
  48. UISplitViewController
  49. UIFont
  50. UIDevice
  51. Make selective UIView corners rounded
  52. Custom UIViews from XIB files
  53. UIBezierPath
  54. UIPickerView
  55. UIFeedbackGenerator
  56. UIAppearance
  57. UIKit Dynamics with UICollectionView
  58. UIPheonix - easy, flexible, dynamic & highly scalable UI framework
  59. UIKit Dynamics
  60. UI Testing
  61. Change Status Bar Color
  62. UISegmentedControl
  63. Passing Data between View Controllers
  64. Managing the Keyboard
  65. Checking for Network Connectivity
  66. Accessibility
  67. Auto Layout
  68. MKMapView
  69. NSArray
  70. NSAttributedString
  71. Convert HTML to NSAttributed string and vice verse
  72. NSTimer
  73. NSDate
  74. NSNotificationCenter
  75. NSURLSession
  76. NSUserDefaults
  77. NSHTTPCookieStorage
  78. NSURLConnection
  79. NSURL
  80. NSData
  81. NSInvocation
  82. NSUserActivity
  83. NSPredicate
  84. NSBundle
  85. CAAnimation
  86. Concurrency
  87. CAGradientLayer
  88. Safari Services
  89. CALayer
  90. iOS - Implementation of XMPP with Robbie Hanson framework
  91. Swift and Objective-C interoperability
  92. Custom fonts
  93. AVSpeechSynthesizer
  94. Localization
  95. Alamofire
  96. iBeacon
  97. CLLocation
  98. Checking iOS version
  99. Universal Links
  100. PDF Creation in iOS
  101. In-App Purchase
  102. CGContext Reference
  103. Core Location
  104. FacebookSDK
  105. AFNetworking
  106. CTCallCenter
  107. Push Notifications
  108. Extension for rich Push Notification - iOS 10.
  109. Rich Notifications
  110. Key Value Coding-Key Value Observation
  111. Initialization idioms
  112. Storyboard
  113. Background Modes and Events
  114. Fastlane
  115. CAShapeLayer
  116. WKWebView
  117. UUID (Universally Unique Identifier)
  118. Categories
  119. Handling URL Schemes
  120. Realm
  121. ARC (Automatic Reference Counting)
  122. Dynamic Type
  123. SWRevealViewController
  124. DispatchGroup
  125. GCD (Grand Central Dispatch)
  126. Size Classes and Adaptivity
  127. IBOutlets
  128. AWS SDK
  129. Debugging Crashes
  130. CloudKit
  131. GameplayKit
  132. Xcode Build & Archive From Command Line
  133. XCTest framework - Unit Testing
  134. AVPlayer and AVPlayerViewController
  135. Deep Linking in iOS
  136. Core Graphics
  137. Segues
  138. EventKit
  139. SiriKit
  140. Contacts Framework
  141. iOS 10 Speech Recognition API
  142. StoreKit
  143. Code signing
  144. Create .ipa File to upload on appstore with Applicationloader
  145. Size Classes and Adaptivity
  146. MKDistanceFormatter
  147. 3D Touch
  148. GameCenter Leaderboards
  149. Keychain
  150. Handle Multiple Environment using Macro
  151. Set View Background
  152. Block
  153. Content Hugging/Content Compression in Autolayout
  154. iOS Google Places API
  155. Navigation Bar
  156. App wide operations
  157. CoreImage Filters
  158. Face Detection Using CoreImage/OpenCV
  159. MPMediaPickerDelegate
  160. Graph (Coreplot)
  161. FCM Messaging in Swift
  162. Create a Custom framework in iOS
  163. Custom Keyboard
  164. AirDrop
  165. SLComposeViewController
  166. AirPrint tutorial in iOS
  167. Carthage iOS Setup
  168. Healthkit
  169. Core SpotLight in iOS
  170. Core Motion
  171. QR Code Scanner
  172. plist iOS
  173. WCSessionDelegate
  174. AppDelegate
  175. App Submission Process
  176. FileHandle
  177. Basic text file I/O
  178. iOS TTS
  179. MPVolumeView
  180. Objective-C Associated Objects
  181. Passing Data between View Controllers (with MessageBox-Concept)
  182. MVVM
  183. Cache online images
  184. Chain Blocks in a Queue (with MKBlockQueue)
  185. Simulator
  186. Background Modes
  187. OpenGL
  188. MVP Architecture
  189. Configure Beacons with CoreBluetooth
  190. Core Data
  191. Profile with Instruments
  192. Application rating/review request
  193. MyLayout
  194. Simulator Builds
  195. Simulating Location Using GPX files iOS
  196. SqlCipher integration
  197. Security
  198. App Transport Security (ATS)
  199. Guideline to choose best iOS Architecture Patterns
  200. Multicast Delegates
  201. Using Image Aseets
  202. Runtime in Objective-C
  203. ModelPresentationStyles
  204. CydiaSubstrate tweak
  205. Create a video from images
  206. Codable
  207. Load images async
  208. Adding a Swift Bridging Header
  209. Creating an App ID
  210. Swift: Changing the rootViewController in AppDelegate to present main or login/onboarding flow

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Awsome.Thanx for the book 🤘🤘

Good for beginners

Thank you very mutch for this enormous work ! I will read this book quickly !

The iOS® Developer Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation, the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow. Text content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA. See credits at the end of this book whom contributed to the various chapters. Images may be copyright of their respective owners unless otherwise specified

Book created for educational purposes and is not affiliated with iOS® Developer group(s), company(s) nor Stack Overflow. All trademarks belong to their respective company owners

Apple Developer Download

893 pages, published on May 2018

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